The Beauty of Peridot Carbon Spots: A Unique Imperfection

Peridot Carbon Spots: The Unique and Beautiful Imperfection

When it comes to fine jewelry, perfection is often seen as the ultimate goal. But what if we told you that there’s a unique and beautiful imperfection in peridot gemstones? Yes, we’re talking about peridot carbon spots.

What are Peridot Carbon Spots?

Peridot carbon spots, also known as black spots or inclusions, are small black dots or specks found within some peridot gemstones. These carbon spots are actually iron oxide deposits that formed during the formation of the gemstone.

While some people may see these spots as flaws, they’re actually a natural part of the peridot stone’s makeup. In fact, many jewelers and collectors consider them to be an important characteristic of certain types of peridots.

Types of Peridots with Carbon Spots

Not all types of peridots have carbon spots. Some varieties like Arizona peridots tend to be cleaner without any visible inclusions. However, other types like Pakistani and Burmese peridots often have prominent black spots that can make them even more desirable for certain purposes.

In Pakistan, one particular mine located near the town of Kohistan is famous for producing high-quality green-colored stones with significant amounts of iron oxide deposits. These stones are highly sought-after by jewelers who appreciate their distinct beauty and uniqueness.

Why Are Peridot Carbon Spots Desirable?

One reason why some people prefer their peridots with carbon spots is because it adds character to the stone. Unlike diamonds which strive to achieve absolute clarity, many colored gemstones including emeralds and sapphires come with natural inclusions that give each piece its own individual look.

Carbon-dotted peridots offer something different from other colored gems since they aren’t typically included on most lists when it comes to precious stones known for their distinctive marks or patterns.

Moreover, those speckles can also add depth and dimension to the stone. When light hits the stone, it reflects off of the iron oxide spots, creating a unique sparkle that’s distinct from other gemstones.

Peridot carbon spots are also an indication of the authenticity of a peridot gemstone. Because they’re natural inclusions, it proves that the peridot is not synthetic or lab-created. In fact, synthetic peridots won’t have any carbon deposits at all.

How to Care for Peridot Carbon Spots

While peridot is relatively durable with a rating of 6.5-7 on Mohs scale of hardness, it’s still important to take care when handling pieces with carbon spots. The spots themselves don’t affect the durability of the stone but they may make some parts more susceptible to breakage.

It’s best to store your peridot jewelry separately from other gems and metals so as not to scratch them or damage their surface.

When cleaning your piece, use warm water and mild soap along with a soft-bristled brush if necessary. Avoid using harsh chemicals like bleach or ammonia which can cause damage over time.


Peridot carbon spots may be seen as imperfections by some but are actually a unique characteristic that makes each piece one-of-a-kind. They add depth and dimension while proving authenticity and reassurance when purchasing these stones naturally mined straight from mother earth.

Whether you prefer your peridots clean or dotted with black specks will depend on personal preference and what type of jewelry you plan on making with them!

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